17 August 2007

Hurricane Dean!!!

Ok, we're in Jamaica for about 7 weeks now and about to experience our first hurricane. We are getting ready to head back to Kingston for consolidation with the other trainees.

Besides that things are going just peachy!!! My health has improved: immunity system (cold, flu, malaria, don't know?) and my back. I started running a likl bit this week. We finally get sworn in next week at the American Embassy. Then we become full sworn-in volunteers.
Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller (Sista P) had a PNP (People's National Party) political rally in Porus yesterday. It was interesting to drive through town yesterday and see them doing road work right in front of the Police Station. It's my understanding that this type of electioneering goes on quite often during the political season - the government starts doing much needed work for the people to show that they are doing their job. However, I've also been told this part of the road is always in need of work.
I drove through southern Manchester recently and saw a lot of the old bauxite mining sites. It looks as if the aluminum companies have raped the country side. The problem with bauxite mining, much like the mountain top removal done in coal country in the states, is that it is done in such a manner that after all the bauxite is extracted there is no longer any nutrients in the ground (And they have to clear cut the trees to get to the bauxite as well.) This consequently disrupts the ecosystem indefinitely and nothing can grow in the ground. I understand that this has already changed the climate and made it warmer than what it naturally is in Manchester. Now the aluminum companies want to mine in Cockpit Country (a beautiful natural untouched area in the middle northern part of the country) because there is significant deposits of bauxite there. Here is an article on the history of bauxite in J-ca (Gleaner commentary). The next time you use that aluminum pan or fly in an airplane just think of where that aluminum came from.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Be safe and healthy. I'm glad you read the book. I miss having you here to talk about it. That stash is great. Your posts are great. Keep up the noble work.
