24 February 2009

Coffee the Old Fashion Way

This weekend was a good productive Jamaican weekend. We got some wash done, made some homemade carrot juice and my landlord showed me how to make coffee, the old fashion way.

You first start with the green beans and throw them into a dutchy pot, where you parch them. This is equivalent to roasting.

You then put the roasted beans in a mortar, which is a big hollowed out log, and you beat it with a mortar stick - this is equivalent to our grinding.

You beat the beans until they are small enough where you can sift them out.

Next step is to boil the beans with hot water. You let it steep for a few minutes, then you add cold water to make the grounds settle (sekkl) to the bottom. Now it's time to enjoy you cup of joe. It was quite rich, good and very different. The process is laborious, but is well worth it, as there is nothing like fresh coffee. Simply roasting the bean yourself brings a fresh taste. I've been enjoying the fresh coffee the past couple of days.

Our landlord said growing up her family couldn't afford a sieve, so they would use the husk from a coconut tree to sift out the coffee ground.

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