31 October 2007

Another Interesting Taxi Ride

There we were with 5 people in the car pulling out of the taxi park thinking we would have a nice smooth ride back to P-town. I was fortunate to get the front seat and Tiff had one of the back seats. Then, our luck changed while taxi-man Philip decided to pick up a 6th (the typical no. of passengers). Then he picked up a 7th. Since it is the school season the taxis can only charge $J40 per child, not the normal $J80. To make-up for the lost fair they tend place the likkl pikni atop the adult passenger's laps. This trip, Philip decided to put more students in the back trunk - don't worry it was a station wagon. All in all we managed to get 8 in the car with me sitting on the right half of the left front passenger seat and my but cheeks straddling the seat belt holster - not very comfortable let me tell you. Because Philip was running errands he had to stop to pick up a 9th passenger - a 2 year old girl. While he was in getting the girl he left the radio on, which could only navigate between 77.9 and 92.9 FM, with the car off. Of course this killed the battery or buggered up the starter and I had to get out and help him push and jump start the car. Fortunately we were able to get the car going and we were on our way again. We finally reached home shortly thereafter. Ahh the experiences of public transportation in Jamaica.

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